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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Schedule on-line job seeking consultation!

Interactive on-line job seeking consultation is available every Thursday at 8 PM MST.
·        Job seekers - assistance to prepare for securing a job.
·        Employment Specialists - assistance on how to best assist their ward members.
·        Unit leadership - understand the challenges of providing meaningful assistance.

To make a reservation :
·        E-mail Jim Olsten at: cjolsten2@juno.com  an hour or more before the meeting,
·        OR Schedule an alternate time/day for an on-line interactive consultation.
·       Log-in to : https://www2.gotomeeting.com/join/560775914 , videoconferencing software downloads and connects to the meeting automatically

Technical details :
·        You can use MAC or PC computers at Pentium 4 level.
·        An audio headset is recommended OR use your microphone and speakers,
·        OR phone 312 878-3081 and provide meeting ID 560 775 914 for on phone audio
·        Attendee Quick-Start Instructions: click here
·       Technical support: 800-263-6317, provide meeting ID 560 775 914 for free support

Friday, February 15, 2013

Five Tricks for Remembering Names

If you are fortunate to have an interview, you will likely meet new people for the first time. Remembering their names could be a challenge. An even greater challenge can arise if you are interviewed by a committee.
How can you avoid the panic that can come from forgetting someone’s name almost as soon as you’re introduced? The fact is, names just aren’t a priority for our brains.  There are however some techniques that will improve your name retention powers.
  • Don’t psych yourself out.
  • Slow down and take it easy.
  • Ask questions.
  • Use a person’s name.
  • Create an image.
For the details on how to apply these techniques, see the complete article here.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Things to know before changing careers

Even in today's tight job market, you can make a career change. It's just a little harder and takes more planning.

If you don't like what you're doing or don't feel that there is any room for advancement, changing careers can be rewarding. The most important thing is to do the work before you make a change, so that you'll already be prepared. Here's 5 things you should consider before you change careers:
  1. Create a plan
  2. Think about your decision
  3. Strengthen your social network
  4. Brush up on your education
  5. Take small steps
If you are considering a career change see more details here

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The truth about job references

When applying for a job, it's not just your resume and interview that matter. Who you select to be your reference can make a huge difference. So, how can you make sure that the references you provide a new employer are going to be effective? Well, here are a few truths about job references that can make the task a little easier:

Here are a few broad brush pointers:
  • There are restrictions on what they say (but not HOW)
  • Provide references only when asked
  • Stay in touch with your references
  • Always ask before using someone as a reference
  • If in doubt, do a test run
For details on these, see the full article here