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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Rules for Successful Networking

Successful networkers show a sincere interest in their networking contacts. They work hard to develop a relationship, establish their credibility, and share information. They follow the rules of the game in which everyone has something to gain. Like the lottery, you have to be in it to win it. To review seven rules to follow for successful networking see the complete article here

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Interview Etiquette

If your effective resume or a personal introduction has provided you with an invitation to interview, do not mess it up.

The first step to a career victory is to adequately prepare for the interview. Use etiquette tips for interviews to ensure you are making the best impression possible to your prospective employer.  To see a graphic path to success, with do's and don't, select the link here.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Words for Negotiating Salary

You have the most power to negotiate a salary after you've impressed your future employer in interviews, but before you sign an official job offer. Most employers will informally offer you the job before they give you anything to sign, and this is a good time to talk about what you want.
Your new employer wants to hire you, has received buy-in from other team members and has no desire to keep interviewing. More than anything, she is anxious for you to start work. This is the time to ask for more money.

For the language to use see the complete article here

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Upgrade Your Skills

Is your career up for the challenges of a tough job market and the rapid pace of technology? Experts agree that ongoing professional development should be part of your career plans no matter what stage you’re at. Keeping your skills current can help you stay competitive and make sure you’ll be an asset to any employer.
Review some practical ways to stay sharp here